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22ème demi-Brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne - our events in 2024

When ? Where ? What ?
25 to 27 April Rettershof near Königstein (D) bivouac and drill with the 1er régiment d'artillerie
2 to 4 May Marengo (I) bataillon school
9 to 11 May Eckartsberga (D) bivouac, march and skirmishes
20 to 23 June Ligny (B) bivouac and battle
23 to 26 June from Ligny to Quatre Bras (B) march
26 to 27 June from Quatre Bras to Waterloo (B) march
27 to 29 June Waterloo (B) bivouac and battle, with the bataillon uni
5 to 7 September Palmanova (I) bivouac and battle
19 to 21 September Greußen (D) bivouac, march and skirmishes
31 October to 2 November Zeilitzheim (D) officers' school
28 to 30 November Austerlitz (CZ) quarters and battle, with the bataillon uni

home sweet home
March 2003 in the fortress Loevestein: one of our first self-constructed shelters.

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