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The 22e demi-brigade de ligne on campaign in 2019.

(Click on the images to enlarge.)

Feu de peloton.
This year, we hope to have plenty of battles with a lot of battalion and platoon salvoes.


Großgörschen from 3 to 5 May 2019.

Des manteaux sont cool.
It was cold, but our greatcoats are not only dressy, but also warm.


Matin. Rôtisseur et Moustache. Le Peintre. De la belle humeur dans les rangs. Repos après le combat. La soupe.
The day started with a chitchat, spun away in good mood and ended with a dainty soup.


Hinterweidenthal on 18 and 19 May 2019.

Des manteaux sont cool.
The day was filled with incessant patrols against the Prussians — here what we saw of their well-instructed skirmishers.


Ligny from 31st May to 2nd June 2019.

We were part of the bataillon uni, and our Eagle, which we had received from the hands of our general of choice fifteen years ago at the the Invalides in Paris, was carried in battle for the first time, as the Eagle of the battalion.

Distribution de l'aigle. Rôtisseur et Belle-Humeur. L'aigle. Rôtisseur, Champagne et Belle-Humeur.
Our Eagle 15 years ago, and today.


Apolda from 21 to 23 June 2019.

Appell du matin. Grenadier Le Peintre. Repos et pipe. Sergent Champagne. En avant.
We had a lot of time for duties and drill, several long and interersting skirmishes, and entertaining rests.

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